Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2nd, so what else?  Time to lose some weight!

"Weight vs. Me" has been going on for years.  I struggled with it as a youngster, battled it as a young adult, was totally aware of it during adulthood/parenting years, and am now losing the war as a post-menopausal woman.  And losing it heavily (pun intended!).

So, at 163 pounds, I'm finally ready to do something about this.  I feel awful, the rolls of fat stick together and get in my way when I turn or bend, and none of my clothes feel comfortable.

In what he thought was an inspirational moment, my husband had me lift the 40 pound bag of salt we'd purchased for the softener.  When I could barely move it off the ground, he told me that that was the amount of extra weight I was carrying around these days.  So while I got pissed off at him in the moment, later I realized he's right.  Not telling him that, but has helped spur me on.

About eight years ago, I was shopping for some khakis.  I remember looking for size 6, and while I was searching, another woman was looking for size 16.  I thought to myself, "wow, I can't imagine having to wear that large of a size."  Fast forward to now, and though I'm not quite there, I'm near enough to be concerned and in my mind, apologize to that poor woman.

So I'm hoping to limit my caloric intake to 1300 calories a day.  I plan to work out for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.  I've got an overall goal, but I'm going to take it one step at a time, so for now, my goal is to lose 10 pounds by the first weekend of February (not sure what the date is without consulting the calendar, but that's close enough). If I reach it, I'm going to treat myself to something. Not sure about that either (suggestions anyone?), but will probably be workout gear or a pedicure or something along those lines.  Probably not food. :(

So, that's the story, morning glory, at least for now.

Ha, don't have much faith in myself, so we'll see how this goes.

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